No matter who, where, what you are - Be Hindu Everyday.
Irritated by your nani or dadi preaching about being Hindu? All that gyaan confusing you?
Being Hindu is not about reading Ramayana or going to any temple. It is a way of life. We each can be Hindu everyday.
Hindusim is not something to be done twice a year.
How to be Hindu everyday?
Being Hindu is not about wearing any special clothes or speaking Sanskrit. We each can do it everyday. It is a practice to be followed.
Anyone, anywhere can be Hindu everyday.
It is a way of life.
Being Hindu is not about wearing any special clothes or speaking Sanskrit. We each can do it everyday. It is a practice to be followed.
Whether you’re a banker or a dancer, lawyer or an engineer, chef or an accountant, you can be Hindu everyday.
Enjoy live demonstrations of papermaking, Japanese calligraphy, screenprinting and other craft traditions with applications to both art and design.